Walk-In Clinic

In addition to being a Primary Care practice, Aurora also operates a walk-in clinic as part of our commitment to the community of Thunder Bay. Please check our website or phone us at (807) 285-1894 to check walk-in clinic hours and estimated wait times.

The Walk-In Clinic is available only to patients who have had their meet and greet appointments and formally enrolled with a Physician in the Clinic.

In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 we will be implementing changes to our walk-in clinic:

Walk-In Registration will now be done by Telephone, please call (807) 633-6792 to register

Walk-In registration will take place on:

  • Monday from 5:00pm to 8:00pm Registration begins by phone at 4:00pm
  • Thursday from 5:00pm to 8:00pm Registration begins by phone at 4:00pm
  • Saturday from 9:30am – 12:30pm Registration begins at 9:00am
  • Tuesday’s walk-in clinic is cancelled until further notice

Things to remember:

  • Registration for the walk-in is for same day, emergent appointments
  • Regular clinic issues/concerns will not be addressed at this number
  • Please call the clinic at (807) 285-1894 during regular business hours, to book an appointment with your Physician
  • If you are exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT COME TO THE CLINIC
971 Carrick St. Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6L9